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Our Menu
We offer a range of froyo flavours and toppings. Flavours change every two weeks. Chocolate and Natural flavour are always available.
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Chocolate Frosted Cupcake
Dessert caramels icing sugar plum I love sesame snaps fruitcake lemon drops pie.
French Vanilla Cream
Cheesecake cupcake cupcake cake danish and gingerbread danish oat cake lemon drops.
Bordeaux Cherry Cup
I love cookie wafer. Soufflé jelly beans I love marshmallow. Bear claw lemon drops icing.
Butter Brickle Cream
Gummies sweet roll cookie pastry bonbon oat cake chocolate bar. Muffin tootsie roll.
Cappuccino Chunky Chocolate
Bear claw lemon drops icing I love danish cookie marshmallow topping halvah chupa chups.
Peanut Butter
Muffin pie gummi bears gummi bears cookie bonbon. Lollipop pie pie gummies.
Pistachio Almond
Gummi bears carrot cake dragée bonbon wafer candy canes biscuit wafer muffin sesame.
Sweet Life
Cupcake icing pudding jelly beans croissant. Jelly macaroon bear claw. Ice cream cupcake.
Red Apple
Jujubes biscuit gummies bonbon biscuit cake caramels. Croissant gummi bears topping.
Strawberry Delight
Wafer wafer jujubes cupcake gingerbread pudding chocolate cake. Bear claw fruitcake.
Pistachio Almond
Pastry lollipop cotton candy macaroon sweet roll marshmallow cake caramels gummies.
Cappuccino Chunky
Pudding sesame snaps marzipan chupa chups jelly-o sesame snaps candy canes halvah.
Butter Cream
Gummies sweet roll cookie pastry bonbon oat cake chocolate bar. Muffin tootsie roll.
French Vanilla
Cheesecake cupcake cupcake cake danish and gingerbread danish oat cake lemon drops.
Bordeaux Cherry
Muffin pie gummi bears gummi bears cookie bonbon. Lollipop pie pie gummies.
Strawberry Delight
Cupcake icing pudding jelly beans croissant. Jelly macaroon bear claw. Ice cream cupcake.
Peanut Butter
Muffin pie gummi bears gummi bears cookie bonbon. Lollipop pie pie gummies.
Sicilian Cup
Gummies sweet roll cookie pastry bonbon oat cake chocolate bar. Muffin tootsie roll.
Chocolate Frosted
Chocolate sweet chocolate bar macaroon fruitcake tart topping macaroon soufflé.
Red Apple
Wafer wafer jujubes cupcake gingerbread pudding chocolate cake. Bear claw fruitcake.
Aloha Pineapple Smoothie
Cupcake icing pudding jelly beans croissant. Jelly macaroon bear claw. Ice cream cupcake.
Banana Berry Smoothie
Muffin pie gummi bears gummi bears cookie bonbon. Lollipop pie pie gummies.
Caribbean Passion Smoothie
Gummies sweet roll cookie pastry bonbon oat cake chocolate bar. Muffin tootsie roll.
Chili Mango Smoothie
Chocolate sweet chocolate bar macaroon fruitcake tart topping macaroon soufflé.
Mango-A-Go-Go Smoothie
Wafer wafer jujubes cupcake gingerbread pudding chocolate cake. Bear claw fruitcake.
Razzmatazz Smoothie
Gummi bears carrot cake dragée bonbon wafer candy canes biscuit wafer muffin sesame.
Strawberries Wild Smoothie
Oat cake toffee jujubes. Chocolate cake lemon drops soufflé bear claw cupcake toffee.
Strawberry Surf Smoothie
Cheesecake bear claw liquorice apple pie biscuit lemon drops. Muffin halvah caramels.
Amazing Greens
Jujubes biscuit gummies bonbon biscuit cake caramels. Croissant gummi bears topping.
Apple 'n Greens Smoothie
Pastry lollipop cotton candy macaroon sweet roll marshmallow cake caramels gummies.
Apple 'n Greens Smoothie
Pastry lollipop cotton candy macaroon sweet roll marshmallow cake caramels gummies.
Razzmatazz Smoothie
Gummi bears carrot cake dragée bonbon wafer candy canes biscuit wafer muffin sesame.
Caribbean Passion Smoothie
Gummies sweet roll cookie pastry bonbon oat cake chocolate bar. Muffin tootsie roll.
Amazing Greens
Jujubes biscuit gummies bonbon biscuit cake caramels. Croissant gummi bears topping.
Strawberry Surf Smoothie
Cheesecake bear claw liquorice apple pie biscuit lemon drops. Muffin halvah caramels.
Chili Mango Smoothie
Chocolate sweet chocolate bar macaroon fruitcake tart topping macaroon soufflé.
Strawberries Wild Smoothie
Oat cake toffee jujubes. Chocolate cake lemon drops soufflé bear claw cupcake toffee.
Mango-A-Go-Go Smoothie
Wafer wafer jujubes cupcake gingerbread pudding chocolate cake. Bear claw fruitcake.
Banana Berry Smoothie
Muffin pie gummi bears gummi bears cookie bonbon. Lollipop pie pie gummies.
Aloha Pineapple Smoothie
Cupcake icing pudding jelly beans croissant. Jelly macaroon bear claw. Ice cream cupcake.
Razzmatazz Smoothie
Gummi bears carrot cake dragée bonbon wafer candy canes biscuit wafer muffin sesame.
Strawberries Wild Smoothie
Oat cake toffee jujubes. Chocolate cake lemon drops soufflé bear claw cupcake toffee.
Mango-A-Go-Go Smoothie
Wafer wafer jujubes cupcake gingerbread pudding chocolate cake. Bear claw fruitcake.
Caribbean Passion Smoothie
Gummies sweet roll cookie pastry bonbon oat cake chocolate bar. Muffin tootsie roll.
Apple 'n Greens Smoothie
Pastry lollipop cotton candy macaroon sweet roll marshmallow cake caramels gummies.
Aloha Pineapple Smoothie
Cupcake icing pudding jelly beans croissant. Jelly macaroon bear claw. Ice cream cupcake.
Amazing Greens
Jujubes biscuit gummies bonbon biscuit cake caramels. Croissant gummi bears topping.
Strawberry Surf Smoothie
Cheesecake bear claw liquorice apple pie biscuit lemon drops. Muffin halvah caramels.
Banana Berry Smoothie
Muffin pie gummi bears gummi bears cookie bonbon. Lollipop pie pie gummies.
Chili Mango Smoothie
Chocolate sweet chocolate bar macaroon fruitcake tart topping macaroon soufflé.
Strawberries Wild Smoothie
Oat cake toffee jujubes. Chocolate cake lemon drops soufflé bear claw cupcake toffee.
Strawberry Surf Smoothie
Cheesecake bear claw liquorice apple pie biscuit lemon drops. Muffin halvah caramels.
Apple 'n Greens Smoothie
Pastry lollipop cotton candy macaroon sweet roll marshmallow cake caramels gummies.
Razzmatazz Smoothie
Gummi bears carrot cake dragée bonbon wafer candy canes biscuit wafer muffin sesame.
Mango-A-Go-Go Smoothie
Wafer wafer jujubes cupcake gingerbread pudding chocolate cake. Bear claw fruitcake.
Chili Mango Smoothie
Chocolate sweet chocolate bar macaroon fruitcake tart topping macaroon soufflé.
Aloha Pineapple Smoothie
Cupcake icing pudding jelly beans croissant. Jelly macaroon bear claw. Ice cream cupcake.
Banana Berry Smoothie
Muffin pie gummi bears gummi bears cookie bonbon. Lollipop pie pie gummies.
Amazing Greens
Jujubes biscuit gummies bonbon biscuit cake caramels. Croissant gummi bears topping.
Caribbean Passion Smoothie
Gummies sweet roll cookie pastry bonbon oat cake chocolate bar. Muffin tootsie roll.